Humanity is perturbed by the constraints inherent to our nature. Thus, we find ourselves striving to transcend it. Most assert that pursuing good, shunning evil, and ending self via discipline are paramount to enlightenment and ultimately transcendence. Let us ponder. If isolated to our own efforts, the source of enlightenment becomes oneself. Can a candle bring flame to its wick by itself? Such efforts evoke an image of hands grasping at the stars in vain. Ponder with me. What if the macrocosm was designed intentionally beyond human reach in order that we may fathom our ineptitudes. I have personally found that the answer to my own hands grasping at the stars isn’t how far they might reach but instead it has been a hand reaching down. “The heavenly becoming earthly so that the earthly might become heavenly.” Our bodies are vessels designed for spirit. Our say in this life is what we choose to fill those vessels with. 666 though synonymous with the antichrist is more accurately referred to as “the number of a man” in Revelation 13. The cultural inference is rooted in the Hebrew language in which 6 connotes flesh, or mankind, and ironically enough is depicted symbolically with a nail. When something occurs 3 times it signals completion.
Three sixes entail’s the culmination of man’s efforts which is why “the mark of the beast” will forbode man’s ultimate end as it replaces worship of God for self. Ironically, the last separation will mirror the first in our efforts to liken ourselves to the One above all. However, the three sixes or symbolic nails also entail a different kind of completion when one with the ONE. When we invite the One above all constraints as inhabitant to our own vessel, not only does our vessel become full, but we overflow with the eternal. One can only ponder what the original design was intended to be but thanks to truth and grace we can still find out. Only then do we truly transcend our humanity. The intent behind 667 unlimited is to tell the story that makes all stories possible through art journeying to foster a relationship with creation and its creator. Thank you for joining me for the journey ahead.
-the artist